Wednesday 5 March 2014

Liverpool- Day 1

Alex sound test 
Our first day in Liverpool we used as a recce, to get us familiar to our surrounding but also to gather as much footage of graffiti as possible. The night before heading to Liverpool we met up and used Google street view to find areas of graffiti we came across a street called Mann Street where a lot of our contacts had told us to head.  On our way we kept on stopping a looking up different streets to see if we could see anymore. 

On the way to Mann street, me and Alex had the zoom out getting a load of different atmospheres.Once near, we decided to split up into two different groups to cover more area and to gather as much footage as possible.

Olly with the Dolly 
Day one was good just get used to some of the equipment we hired like the dolly had non of us had used them before.  On location we toyed with the idea of vox plot interviews. Personal I thought I would have been a nice addition to the documentary but I was out numbered.

Me, Saul and Hannah decided to look for tis cafĂ© where we where meeting Tristian, this was very near and decided that it would be a good idea finding it before the interview. On our we stop to take a couple of pictures of this unfenced piece of graffiti art, when a women came out and asked us what we where doing. We explained what we where doing and told us that she knew the person who did it. This was great as up to now we hadn’t been able to get contact with a full time street artist. She went back inside and got of her friends who knew the artist Tomo personally. However after to speaking to Tomo on the phone it was clear that he was interested but not up for an interview as he didn’t want any one knowing his identity.

At the end of day one we all met up for a meeting. We decided to scrap the idea of a 6 man interview as it would be intimidating but also we felt that it wasn’t needed and that the another group could be out getting more footage.  Me and Saul both editors where the two who would go out and get shots of the city. Later that night we had got a text of the people who knew Tomo saying that he is up for a interview as long as we can guarantee that we kept his identity safe. 


After the meeting Me and Alex sat down to analysis the sound which he had gathered. To be honest I was a little disappointed as this moment I couldn’t really see how I want the sound to sound.

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