Monday 28 April 2014


For the edit I sat down with Sarah and looked through the footage and looking at what angles we liked best.  As Sarah was editing the holiday’s I wasn’t there for a couple of days while she was editing but told her just to follow the scrip and put everything in order.

When I got back was very impressed with what I saw, although it was still a rough edit the footage looked great and I felt the narrative came across quite well. However the film was over 8 minutes at this point and felt that the more footage we cut the more of the narrative we where losing. I sat down with the scrip and tried to workout what parts we could cut without losing any of the narrative.  One scene we had to cut was the scene where things slowly change in the frame, I really like this part of the scrip and was key to the narrative but it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to. We messed around with this scene but in the end we decided just to cut it out of the film.

This saved us a couple of minutes but we where still about 1 or so minutes over the 5-minute limit. Sarah began to cut the footage and made the transitions between clips seamless. We had an edit that we where both happy with and showed it to the rest of the group they all seemed to like. The final step was color correcting the footage.

I was very happy with the edit and how it turned out, although I do think some off the narrative aspects might have been lost due to the five minute brief!

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