Monday 14 April 2014

location scouting

Our original plan was to shoot at my parent’s house in Halifax, I quite like the idea of shooting at my house as we would have the freedom to change the room and make it how we wanted it to look. However it wouldn’t have been the most practical location, for the actor or us. Lee told us about a possible location that we could use at Wood Hill Grange Flat. this location was great as it was in the heart of sheffield and would make things a little more practicable. 


The first room was great a nice size, although it had nothing it  we could all see the potential and started to plan where things where. this location was great as it was a blank canvas we could change the room to how we wanted.  although the room was quite small i think we all saw the potential.

As the location was a nursing home lots of the rooms where the same, the second room we look at was pretty much the same size as the first however the room had little bit of furniture that we where allowed to us. I really like the second room as it didn't have that feel/look of a nursing home.

After a short discussion with decided that this room would be perfect although it needed a little bit of work to make it looked lived in. We then booked the room for 3 days the first day for set design, and the other two days for filming. Jonathan was happy with these dates and re arranged to meet him on friday before shooting for a catch up and to tell him the plans.

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