Sunday 8 December 2013



Today was the day we had to present our piece to the class and I'm not going to lie i was very nervous but also disappointed in what we i had create. However i was quite interested to hear what other thought of our piece, i was more interested to hear what people thought of the concept and not the actual piece. 

Our sound piece was a very rough edit and we didn't have all the sounds we needed to full complete the piece. I was often left to crack on with the edit as my partner didn't know the software and felt his time could be better spent else where. I can understand this as it was my idea and coming from a music background he felt like he wouldn't be very helpful as he is much more focused on the visual side of the piece. At times it would have been useful just to have someone else listen to the piece and give some feedback thats why this session was so helpful.

My original idea was to go straight into the beat like you hear in most sounds, but i felt i had to establish the sounds or i would lose the concept of morning sounds. On reflection I was very disappointed in what i had produced, although the concept was strong the execution was quite poor. 

In our pairs we where asked to write feedback about each overs work with we would then give to the group at the end of the presentation.The feedback we received in our tutorial was quite positive and much better then what imagined it to be. Everyone seemed to really like the concept and idea but didn't like the start as it too long and was quite boring. another we where we got told to improve our piece was to have more sounds, more mooring sounds which build up to create a sense of atmosphere and sense of place. 

On refection to the feedback and presentation it was clear that we had to start again but keep the concept and idea. 

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