Wednesday 18 December 2013

Feedback session

We had our tutorial with Lee, in which we showed her our finished sound piece but also a rough edit of our experimental film piece. We really wanted to show the variation in the two beats, which I had created to represent the morning rush. But also get an essence for the morning routine.

I had completed finished the sound but Oscar still had a little but of work to do on edit. It was really interesting to see how everyone interpreted the brief, as everyone seemed to go do the similar route although really really good, just seemed a little dark. I was a little concerned at this point as ours where very different.

We where on of the last people to show our work I was pleasantly surprised when people started to laugh. The feedback we received was very promising, everyone seemed to love the idea and concept. A fellow student told us it remind him od a Pink Floyd song Money just was a very big complement and wasn’t expecting our piece to receive that much praise. Another student said he really like the rhythms and was intrigued to find out what other elements where going to added.

The only concern and criticism we received was the ending, which we are looking to change. Overall I was very pleased with the feedback session.

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