Today we had to pitch our two ideas to our seminar groups.
Its quite interesting to see how other people interpreted the brief and the
many directions the groups had taken. When it came to our turn to pitch, it was
quite interesting as the group was very undecided on which idea they like best,
the tutor’s seemed to be in favour of the record shop idea, while the group
seemed to prefer the graffiti idea.
The tutors really seemed to like the first idea as they felt
it was quite unique and spike seemed like an interesting character. However
with us not been able to access the shop and now the record collection been
sold it was quite hard to see what we would film and the lack of cut always
could be a problem and make the film quite boring and static.
The main problem with the graffiti idea was that they had
seen a lot of student videos about graffiti and said doing a documentary about
peoples perceptions had been told many times. Another problem they had with the
idea was how liable our contact was, which is understandable and the fact our
other contacts haven’t got back in contact with us was a problem. Although they
seemed to really like the visual side of the documentary and with we tweaked
the potential was there.
After the pitch we all met up to decided on which idea we
was going to chose, although they seemed to prefer the record shop idea, we
decided to chose the graffiti as we saw a lot more potential. Instead it
challenging peoples perception it was now going to be a celebration of street
art and the future of the art form.